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In the spotlight

AO (JSC) Gazpromgazoraspredeleniye Dalny Vostok, Chabarovsk

Using the Cubix BM platform for tariff reporting with modified reports in the gas distribution sector.


Cubix BM vendor contract with VRK-1

CubixBM contract has been concluded being a part of the project for the development of a complex enterprise management system based on import substitution technologies.


Cubix BM 2.0 platform and the import substitution problem

Axilon Consulting held a series of presentations for its clients and partners. CubixBM platform as an import substitution technology was presented.


Budget management system for AO (JSC) Antikor

In August and September the ыуе of works with the system of budget management for JSC Antikor was carried out. The system has been transferred to industrial exploitation.


Beta-version of Cubix BM 2.0 platform

The works on a completely new version of our product Cubix BM 2.0 are almost completed.
